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  The Association of the Professional DJs from Romania aims to accomplish the following types of activities:

1) organizing seminars, symposiums, colloquies, panels, conferences, forums, training, public campaigns and other educational and training activities relating to the matters covered by the association, as well as any other related activities designed to ensure the proper evolution of those;

2) participation in negotiations with the collective management organizations of copyright and related rights holders in order to establish the methodologies associated with he activity of the association members, carried out according to Law no.8/1996 on copyright and related rights, with its subsequent modifications and completions;

3) participation in other negotiation procedures regarding the sustaining of the association embers' interests;

4) establishing centers of information and documentation related to areas covered by the association's purpose, as well as providing information and consultancy services to members and other interested persons;

5) protecting the moral and material interests of its members through specialized assistance or, where appropriate, through their representation on the state's specialized institutions;

6) carrying out other initiatives in relation to state institutions to protect and promote the interests of ssociation members;

7) publication of materials and newsletters, surveys and research reports, books and periodicals and non-periodical publications, printing and recording audio, video and electronic format, on issues related to areas covered by the association purpose, as well as broadcasting of these.

8) participation in national and international projects and programs that meet the goal of the association and/or are complementary of its objectives;

9) working with public and private institutions, with national and international similar organizations, by providing expert advice and engaging in cooperation and partnership programs;

10) supporting actions and initiatives that meet the goal of the association or are complementary to its objectives;

11) carrying out any activities in order to facilitate the achievement of the proposed goals and objectives, including through own institutions, in accordance with the law in force;